Immigration Services

Overview of our services…

At KR Law Firm, we understand the complexities and competitiveness of the Canadian immigration process, along with the dynamic nature of immigration laws that continually evolve. As a result, we make sure that our clients’ applications and cases are meticulously and carefully prepared. Most significantly, we proactively address all potential problems to enhance their chances of success. We are here to help guide you through the Canadian immigration process and help make your Canadian immigration a reality.

Licensed to practice

  • All Canadian Immigration Cases Worldwide
  • All Immigration Cases in Canadian Courts 
  • All Immigration Appeals in the Federal Court

Our Immigration Process

Hands filling out the assessment form as part of KR Law Firm's immigration process

Step 1:

Complete Our Assessment Form

Two people engaged in a conversation during a free initial consultation as part of KR Law Firm's immigration process.

Step 2:

Book Your Initial Consultation

Document exchange representing the retention of our services and submission of supporting documents as part of KR Law Firm's immigration process.

Step 3:

Retain Us & Send All Supporting Documents

A pencil and a form with the Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada logo, symbolizing the initiation of our work on your case in our immigration process.

Step 4:

We’ll Start Working on Your Case Immediately

Writ of Mandamus for Immigration Delays

Are immigration delays affecting your plans and causing uncertainty? Explore how a Writ of Mandamus could expedite your process. Contact us to see how our legal experts can assist you in this critical step.

Writ of Mandamus for Immigration Delays

In the realm of immigration, prolonged delays in the processing of applications can significantly impact the lives of applicants, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and stress. Recognizing the need for timely resolutions, our practice offers specialized services in filing a Writ of Mandamus. This powerful legal remedy compels government agencies, including Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), to fulfill their duties and make decisions on immigration applications within a reasonable timeframe.

Filing a Writ of Mandamus is a complex legal procedure that requires a deep understanding of immigration law and federal court processes. Our experienced lawyers meticulously evaluate each case to determine the viability of this approach, ensuring that all other avenues of inquiry and resolution with the IRCC have been exhausted. We guide our clients through the entire process, from drafting and filing the petition to representing them in Federal Court.

This service is particularly valuable for those facing unreasonable delays in various immigration matters, including but not limited to, visa applications, permanent residency, citizenship applications, and more. If you are experiencing a standstill in your immigration process, contact us to explore how a Writ of Mandamus could expedite your case.

Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Considerations

Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) applications offer a unique pathway to Canadian permanent residence for individuals who may not meet the criteria of other immigration programs but have compelling reasons to stay in Canada. Grounds for H&C consideration include, but are not limited to, exceptional establishment in Canada, best interests of children involved, and adverse conditions in the applicant’s home country.

Our firm specializes in navigating the intricate H&C application process, providing personalized support to present a compelling case to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We understand that every H&C case is unique, requiring a tailored approach that highlights the individual circumstances and humanitarian grounds of each applicant.

From gathering pertinent documentation to drafting a persuasive narrative that underscores your humanitarian and compassionate grounds, our dedicated lawyers are committed to advocating on your behalf. We also offer guidance on maintaining your status in Canada while your H&C application is under consideration, ensuring you are well-informed and supported every step of the way.

If you believe you have a compelling case for staying in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, our team is here to help. Contact us to discuss your situation and learn how we can assist you in pursuing this path to Canadian permanent residence.

Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Considerations

Facing unique challenges that require a compassionate approach to your immigration status? Our experts can guide you through Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) Considerations to secure your future in Canada.

Express Entry

Are you looking to gain Canadian permanent residence through the Express Entry program? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you.

Express Entry

At KR Law Firm, we understand that the process of immigrating to Canada can be a complex and overwhelming experience. As experienced immigration lawyers, we are here to help guide you through the Express Entry process and ensure that your rights and interests are protected.

One of the options available for individuals looking to immigrate to Canada is the Express Entry system. Express Entry is an online application management system used by the government of Canada to select skilled workers for immigration to Canada. It allows eligible candidates to create an online profile and enter a pool of candidates, where they are ranked against others based on certain factors, such as language ability, education, and work experience.

If you are considering applying through Express Entry, it is important to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria and that your application is complete and accurate. Our lawyers can review your case, gather all necessary documentation, and assist you in creating a comprehensive and compelling Express Entry profile.

We will also provide guidance on the Express Entry process, including the required documentation, the points system and the potential consequences of not addressing any issue. Additionally, we will help you understand the appeals process and represent you at any necessary hearings or appeals.

When it comes to applying through Express Entry, it is important to have knowledgeable professionals on your side. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and representation.

If you have any questions about Express Entry or need assistance with your application, please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation. 

You can apply through Express Entry in the following programs, with each program having its own eligibility requirements: 

Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)

The Federal Skilled Workers Program is for skilled workers with foreign work experience looking to immigrate to Canada permanently. 

To be eligible for the FSWP, individuals must have a certain level of work experience in a specific occupation, as well as meet certain language proficiency, education and other criteria. They must also pass a point-based assessment that evaluates factors such as age, education, work experience, language proficiency, and adaptability.

Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)

The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for foreign nationals interested in becoming Canadian permanent residents based on qualifications in a skilled trade. 

Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is a pathway to permanent residency for candidates who have experience working in Canada. This program is a unique option for temporary foreign workers and international graduates who have gained Canadian work experience. 

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

Foreign nationals wishing to apply for permanent residence under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) must be nominated by a Canadian province or territory. Applicants must first apply to the province where they desire to settle and complete its provincial nomination process. The specific Canadian province will then assess your application based on its labour needs and your genuine intention to settle in that province. After being nominated, you must make a separate application for permanent residence.

Visitor Visa  

Canada is a popular destination for tourists, business travelers, and medical purposes. However, before you can enter Canada legally, you may need to first obtain a visitor visa. People from many countries are first required to obtain a visitor visa to gain entry into the country. Examples of these countries include the People’s Republic of China, Iran, Turkey, India, Qatar, and South Africa. 

There are two types of Canadian visitor visas: a single-entry visa and a multiple-entry visa. A single-entry visa allows you to enter Canada once for a specific purpose, such as tourism or business. A multiple-entry visa allows you to enter and exit Canada multiple times for a period of up to 10 years.

To be eligible for a Canadian visitor visa, you must demonstrate that you:

  • Have ties to your home country, such as a job, family, and property, that will ensure your return after your visit
  • Have sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your stay in Canada
  • Do not pose a risk to Canada’s security or have a criminal record
  • Are not planning to work or study in Canada without authorization

When applying for a Canadian visitor visa, you will need to provide the following documentation:

  • A valid passport or travel document
  • A completed visitor visa application form
  • Proof of ties to your home country, such as employment letters, property ownership documents, and family ties
  • Proof of financial support, such as bank statements and credit card statements
  • Evidence of the purpose of your visit, such as a letter from a Canadian host, a letter from a business inviting you to attend a conference, or a letter from a medical facility in Canada

If you are interested in obtaining a visitor visa to visit Canada temporarily, our lawyers can provide guidance on what types of evidence are most persuasive and how to present them in the best light. Our lawyers can also assist you in gathering the necessary evidence and filling out your application for you.

Visitor Visas

Are you looking to visit Canada as a tourist and require a visitor visa? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you.


Do you require professional legal assistance with your immigration appeal? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you successfully appeal your immigration application.


An appeal is a procedure that can be initiated following immigration refusals, which allows for a full review of the decision and the decision-making process by the Canadian Immigration Appeal Division.

Once an appeal is filed with the Immigration Appeal Division, a hearing date will be set. At the hearing, the Board Member (or Panel Member) will review the decision of the immigration officer, visa officer or Canada Border Services Agency officer. You can submit updated documentation at an Appeal, and the Board will consider new evidence. If the appeal is allowed, the Immigration Appeal Division will send the matter back to the visa office for continued processing.

The Canadian immigration appeals process can be complex and time-consuming, but with the right support, you can successfully overturn a negative decision and achieve your goal of immigrating to Canada. ​​The following applications may be appealed:

  • Spousal Sponsorship
  • Family Class Sponsorship
  • Residency Obligation
  • Removal Order

We understand that a negative decision can be devastating, especially if you have already invested time, money, and effort into your immigration application. That is why we work tirelessly to ensure that your appeal is properly prepared and presented. Our lawyers will work with you to understand the circumstances of your case and develop a strategic plan to achieve the best possible outcome.

Our lawyers will carefully review the evidence and documents submitted with your initial application to identify any errors or omissions that may have contributed to the negative decision. In addition to preparing and presenting your appeal, we will also represent you in court if necessary. 

Judicial Review

Judicial Review is a legal process that allows individuals to challenge a decision made by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on immigration-related matters. 

You can apply for judicial review of almost any decision of the IRCC to the Federal Court of Canada. Decisions that can be judicially reviewed by the Federal Court can be refused visa applications for permanent and temporary residence applications, citizenship, and decisions from other levels of courts and tribunals, such as the Immigration Appeal Division and the Refugee Appeal Division.

The purpose of the judicial review process is to ensure that the government has acted within the law and followed proper procedures when making a decision. This process provides a mechanism for individuals to have their cases reviewed by an independent body and ensures that the government’s decisions are transparent, fair, and lawful.

You must apply for judicial review of the decision of the IRCC to the Federal Court within 15 days for a decision made in Canada and 60 days for a decision made outside of Canada.

In a judicial review, the Federal Court will consider the following: 

  • Whether the decision-maker acted legally and within its jurisdiction
  • Whether the decision-maker made its decision using a fair procedure
  • Whether the decision was reasonable in light of all the evidence.

If your immigration matter has been refused and you want to apply for judicial review to the Federal Court, we can help. Contact us or schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards challenging a decision made by the IRCC. Our lawyers will review the IRCC decision and decision-making process, prepare your application and represent you at the Federal Court, giving you the best chance of success with your judicial review application. 

Judicial Review

Are you looking for professional legal assistance for a judicial review of your immigration application? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can give you the best chance to succeed in your application for judicial review.


Have you been denied entry to Canada? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you overcome this situation.


At KR Law Firm, we understand the complexities of the Canadian immigration process and the challenges faced by individuals who have been deemed inadmissible to Canada. 

Inadmissibility to Canada can arise for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to, criminal convictions, health issues, misrepresentation, and security concerns. The consequences of being deemed inadmissible can be severe, and may prevent you from entering or remaining in Canada.

At KR Law Firm, we believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to overcome their inadmissibility issues and achieve their goals. We will work with you to understand the circumstances of your case and develop a strategic plan to overcome your inadmissibility.

Admissibility Hearings

The Immigration Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board may convene a hearing to determine whether a foreign national or permanent resident is admissible to Canada.


Foreign nationals convicted of a crime and deemed inadmissible to Canada can qualify for rehabilitation, meaning that the criminal offence is no longer a basis for inadmissibility.

Temporary Resident Permits

A Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) is required when a foreign national is inadmissible to Canada but can demonstrate compelling reasons why they must enter Canada for a short period. If granted a TRP, the foreign national will be allowed to enter or remain in Canada for a short period despite being inadmissible. 

Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications

An alternative route for entry into Canada for those who are inadmissible to Canada is to apply for an exemption to the requirements of the law on Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds.

If you have been deemed inadmissible to Canada, we invite you to contact us for a consultation. We will work with you to understand the circumstances of your case and develop a customized strategy to overcome your inadmissibility.

Deportation Defense

Facing deportation is a challenging and distressing experience, with profound implications for individuals and their families. Our firm offers specialized deportation defense services to address and counteract deportation orders. We assess the specifics of your case, explore all legal avenues to challenge the deportation, and represent you throughout the process. Our approach includes reviewing the reasons for deportation, filing appeals, seeking stays of removal, and exploring alternative legal remedies to maintain your status in Canada. With a deep understanding of immigration law and a commitment to our clients, we strive to provide effective legal strategies tailored to your unique situation, aiming to achieve the best possible outcome.

Deportation Defense

Concerned about deportation and looking for a strong defense? Our experienced attorneys specialize in deportation defense, providing personalized strategies to protect your rights and secure your stay.

Compliance and Advisory Services

Need assistance ensuring your immigration practices comply with current laws and regulations? Contact us for tailored advice and support.

Compliance and Advisory Services

Regulatory Compliance:

Staying compliant with Canadian immigration laws and regulations is paramount for individuals and businesses alike. Our advisory services are designed to ensure you understand and adhere to all legal requirements, minimizing risks and ensuring seamless immigration processes.

Immigration Strategy and Planning:

Every immigration journey is unique, requiring a personalized strategy that aligns with individual, familial, or business goals. We offer customized immigration planning and strategy development services, helping you navigate the complexities of immigration law while focusing on your long-term objectives.

Business Immigration

Canada is a country known for its strong economy, high standard of living, and welcoming culture. It’s an attractive destination for business people from all over the world. As a result, the Canadian government has implemented several immigration programs for business people. These programs are designed specifically for individuals looking to start or expand a business in Canada. These programs provide the opportunity to live and work in Canada, while also making a valuable contribution to the Canadian economy.

Business immigrants are selected for permanent residency primarily based on their ability to create jobs for themselves and other Canadians. Business immigration programs are intended to draw the immigration of experienced business persons who can stimulate the Canadian economy with their financial capital and business knowledge.

Self-Employed Persons Program

Canada’s Self-employed Persons Program allows foreign nationals to immigrate to Canada permanently as self-employed persons. Eligible self-employed foreign nationals must have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics to establish themselves in Canada as permanent residents.

Foreign nationals wishing to immigrate to Canada under the Self-Employed Persons Program must also have the experience, intention, and ability to make a “significant contribution” to Canada’s cultural life or athletics in Canada.

Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements and, at minimum, achieve a passing mark under the program’s selection criteria to be considered for immigration as a self-employed person.

The program does not contain a minimum net worth requirement. However, self-employed applicants must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to settle in Canada, support any dependents, and fund the work for which their selection is based.

Start-Up Visa Program

The Canadian Start-Up Visa program provides permanent residence to foreign national entrepreneurs while helping them to become established in Canada. Foreign nationals wishing to gain permanent residency in Canada can grow their companies in Canada. Applicants can link with private sector organizations in Canada to receive guidance, funding, and expertise in opening and operating their companies in Canada.

This program aims to recruit innovative foreign national entrepreneurs to Canada who will create new jobs and drive economic growth in Canada. Up to five foreign nationals may apply for permanent residence under the same business venture. 

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum language requirements in English or French;
  • Have sufficient funds to settle in Canada;
  • Intend to settle in a province other than the Province of Quebec;
  • Pass Canadian security and medical requirements;
  • Prove that their business is supported through a designated organization; and
  • Prove that their business meets ownership requirements.

At KR Law Firm, we are passionate about helping our clients succeed. Our goal is to make the immigration experience as stress-free as possible, and to help you achieve your business dreams in Canada.

Business Immigration

Are you looking to gain Canadian permanent residence through one of Canada’s business immigration programs? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you.

Family Sponsorship

Are you looking to sponsor your family member for Canadian permanent residency? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you.

Family Sponsorship 

At KR Law Firm, we understand that the process of sponsoring a family member to come to Canada can be complex and time-consuming, and we are here to guide you through the process and ensure that your application is as strong as possible.

One of the first steps in the sponsorship process is determining if you are eligible to sponsor a family member. In order to sponsor a spouse, common-law partner, or dependent child, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and be able to provide for the basic needs of your sponsor. Additionally, you may be required to undergo a medical examination and provide police certificates.

Once your eligibility has been established, the next step is to gather all the necessary documents and information required for the application. This may include proof of your relationship to the person you are sponsoring, as well as financial and other supporting documentation.

Our lawyers can help you navigate the complex requirements and ensure you have everything you need to make a strong application.

After submitting your application, the processing time can vary depending on the specific case and the visa office handling it. We will closely monitor the progress of your application and provide updates as they become available. If your application is refused, we will work with you through the appeal process and help you decide on the best course of action.

At KR Law Firm, we understand how important it is to bring your family together in Canada. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and support to help you navigate the sponsorship process and achieve a successful outcome.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you with your family sponsorship application.

Work Permits

Working in Canada can be an exciting opportunity, but the process of obtaining a work permit can be confusing and time-consuming. Our experienced immigration lawyers are here to guide you through every step of the process, from assessing your eligibility to preparing and submitting your application.

There are several types of work permits available in Canada, each with their own set of requirements and qualifications. We will work with you to determine the best type of work permit for your situation.

Path to Permanent Residency

Work permits also represent the first introduction to life in Canada for many foreign nationals. Work permits can also open the door to permanent residency in Canada for some foreign nationals seeking to live in Canada permanently.

There are various work permits that individuals can apply for:

Open Work Permit
An open work permit allows individuals to work for any employer in Canada.

Closed Work Permit
A closed work permit is specific to a particular employer and job.

NAFTA Work Permit
The NAFTA work permit is designed for individuals who are citizens of the United States or Mexico and are seeking to work in a specific profession in Canada.

In order to be eligible for a work permit, individuals must meet certain criteria. We will assist you in gathering all necessary documents, including proof of education and work experience, and preparing a strong application.

Navigating the Canadian immigration system can be challenging, but with the help of our experienced legal professionals, you can be on your way to working in Canada in no time. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you with your work permit application.

Work Permits

Are you a foreign national looking to work in Canada? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you obtain a Canadian work permit.

Study Permits

Are you a foreign national wanting to study at a Canadian educational institution? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you.

Study Permits

A Canadian study permit is a necessary legal document for international students to be able to study at any educational institution in Canada, including primary, secondary, college, university, or any other educational program. With very few exceptions, all foreign students must have a study permit to study in Canada.

For a foreign student to receive a study permit, they must show evidence that they will be attending a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) that is approved by the Canadian government. While all primary and secondary schools in Canada are DLIs, not all post-secondary education institutions are DLIs, hence, it is important to check the government’s list of DLIs before applying for a study permit. 

The duration of a study permit is established based on the length of the educational program that the student intends to pursue at the time of application. Once the student has finished their studies, the foreign individual must either depart from Canada after 90 days of the end of their program or apply for a permit extension. 

To be eligible for a Canadian study permit, you must have an acceptance letter from a DLI in Canada and fulfill various eligibility criteria, including:

  • possessing a passport or other authorized travel documents that are current
  • demonstrating enough financial resources to pay for student fees and expenses during your first year of residency in Canada
  • showing evidence of funds in a readily available form, in the name of either the applicant, spouse, family member, or close associate.

In some cases, you may also need to undergo a medical examination and provide police clearance certificates.

Temporary Resident Permit

A Temporary Resident Permit (TRP), is a legal document that allows individuals who are inadmissible to Canada to enter or remain in the country for a temporary period. This permit can be issued for various reasons, including medical, criminal, and security inadmissibility. If you are inadmissible to Canada for any of these reasons but have a justifiable reason to enter and remain in Canada, you may be eligible for a TRP. 

To be eligible for a TRP, you must meet certain criteria, including demonstrating that your presence in Canada is justified on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, or that your exclusion from Canada would cause undue hardship. You must also be able to demonstrate that the risks posed by your presence in Canada can be managed through specific conditions outlined in your permit.

The duration of a TRP varies depending on the reason for your entry to Canada. The maximum duration that a TRP can be granted is three years.

Our lawyers can represent you through the TRP process and ensure that your application has the highest chance of success. 

Temporary Resident Permits

Have you been found inadmissible to Canada? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you obtain a Temporary Resident Permit.


Are you a Canadian employer looking to hire temporary foreign workers? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you obtain an LMIA.

Labour Market Impact Assessment

Hiring foreign workers can be a great way to bring diverse skills and perspectives to your Canadian business. But before you can legally hire a foreign worker, you need to secure a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from the Canadian government. The LMIA process is administered by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). 

The LMIA is a process that helps to ensure that the hiring of foreign workers is in the best interests of the Canadian labour market and that Canadian workers have the first opportunity to fill available jobs. 

To obtain an LMIA, an employer must demonstrate that they have made efforts to hire Canadians for the position and that there are no Canadians available to fill the job. The employer must also show that the hiring of a foreign worker will not have a negative impact on the wages and working conditions of Canadians in similar occupations.

The LMIA process involves several steps, including submitting a job offer to ESDC, advertising the position to Canadians, and completing an LMIA application. The employer must provide information about the job, the company, and the efforts that have been made to hire Canadians for the position. If the LMIA is approved, the employer can then submit a work permit application for the foreign worker.

The LMIA process can be complex and time-consuming, and it is important for employers to carefully prepare their application and provide all of the required information. Employers may be inspected to make sure they have complied with the LMIA process. Employers who fail to comply with the LMIA process or who abuse the program may face fines, penalties, or other consequences.

If you are a Canadian business interested in hiring foreign workers, our lawyers can assist you in navigating the complex Canadian immigration laws and regulations and help your business to obtain an LMIA.


Becoming a Canadian citizen is an important and meaningful goal for many people, and our goal is to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible for you.

Canadian citizenship is a privilege that provides many benefits, including the right to live and work in Canada, the ability to vote in elections, and access to Canadian social services and protection under Canadian law. To become a Canadian citizen, you must meet certain eligibility criteria and fulfill certain requirements.

To become a Canadian citizen, you must meet certain eligibility criteria and fulfill certain requirements. One of the key eligibility criteria for Canadian citizenship is permanent residency. To be eligible, you must have been a permanent resident of Canada for at least three out of the previous four years, and you must not have any outstanding removal orders or be under investigation for immigration fraud. 

Another important requirement for Canadian citizenship is language proficiency. You must demonstrate a basic knowledge of English or French, and you may be required to take a language test.

In addition to the eligibility criteria and requirements, you must also pass a citizenship test, which covers Canadian history, geography, government, and values. 

Our lawyers can help you navigate the requirements and ensure that your application is successful. We will also support you throughout the entire process, including responding to requests for additional information and representing you in the event of a citizenship denial.

Citizenship Appeals

In the event that your Canadian citizenship is denied or revoked, you have the option to challenge the decision by appealing to the Federal Court of Canada. The appeal process must be initiated within 30 days of receiving the rejection notice from Immigration, Refugees Citizenship Canada (IRCC). We can assist you in this process by examining the decision, preparing your appeal application, and representing you at the Federal Court.


Are you a permanent resident looking to become a Canadian Citizen? Contact us to learn how our lawyers can help you obtain your Canadian citizenship.